专注汽车电子检测 Focus on Automotive Electronics Testing

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VW Special Test Project

试验项目:Electrical requirements
试验标准: VW 80000
E-01Long-term overvoltageE-13Pin interruption
E-02Transient overvoltageE-14Connector interruption
E-03Transient undervoltageE-15Reverse polarity
E-04Jump startE-16Ground potential difference
E-05Load dumpE-17Short circuit in signal line and load circuits
E-06Ripple voltageE-18Insulation resistance
E-07Slow decrease and increase of the supply voltageE-19Quiescent current
E-08Slow decrease, quick increase of the supply voltageE-20Dielectric strength
E-09Reset behaviorE-21Backfeeds
E-10Brief interruptionsE-22Overcurrents
E-11Start pulsesE-23Equalizing currents of multiple supply voltages
E-12Voltage curve with electric system control

友情链接: 汽车仪表盘检测 动力电池E-MARK 摩托车仪表盘检测